Update on Habit 2

Failed. I did plan that first day i decided to do it. I even applied the rules as suggested by kanisha in her blog… https://asilentobserver.com/2018/01/14/how-to-prioritize-organize-work/

But i am just not able to sustain. I have a todo list running which has already crossed 50 items..some of them are now too old to be relevant but if done at the right time would have made a huge difference to my life workwise or personally.

I know all the right things to do.. i just don’t do it… one of the biggest reasons are distractions at work..anybody and everybody finds reasons to come over and chat…it need not be idle chit chat.. can be about work.. but guys thats not what i wanted to do at that time. How do i tell people to buzz off without seeming rude? With all these distractions i barely get time to run thru my emails and then jump to my meetings let alone plan.

Ok…i wont give up.. let me try today and i will update you all daily.

Maybe if someone was reading my blogs I would feel accountable.

Author: Lisa

My first blog post is exactly that...all about me 😊

3 thoughts on “Update on Habit 2”

  1. Okay firstly I would suggest for you to be more careful when this happens! I did write articles on how to avoid distractions at workplace, how to tackle talkative coworkers etc as part of my work as a content writer! As part of the research the key is to practice a lot of self discpline! Few other tips I would like to suggest is when you are approached by a coworker to have chit chats quickly ask them if it is important if not then you need to be excused as you are in the middle of doing something very important. If you are allowed to wear headphones then you could probably pretend you wont be able to listen to anyone and engross in your work. If this person is your superior you should talk it out that you are finding it difficult to work when they are chit chatting. If someone is talking to you something about work as them to be precise. I know they might think rude of you but you have to state that you dont mean to be rude but you are actually lagging behind at work and they can only be helpful by giving you some time to refocus. Interruptions will happen it is you who has to deal with it if you really want to be effective. If they really want to talk to you why not give them a scheduled time like at lunch or after you have completed a certain task.
    You dont have to think you are on the wrong when you get distracted some responsibility falls on others too and they wont know unless you talk to them right? Hope I have been helpful is there any other reason you are not being able to be productive??

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks a lot for your lovely tips.Self discipline is what i lack the most. Add to that ..a need to please everyone and so not able to say to their faces that they are disturbing me. I know thats a recipe for disaster. What i did do on Tuesday was i hid in a meeting room for a couple of hours and that helped me focus for a bit. Yesterday i had taken off from work and today was a day full of planned meetings so no chance of getting my own work done. But yes.. i do plan to muster courage from now on to tell people that they are disturbing and that we can connect later. Wish me luck.


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